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Faces of Acme: Cathy Grace

Acme Service Provider: Cathy Grace

Cathy Grace was one of the original Acme Service Providers. In fact, she knew Sue and Don before they dreamt up Acme Animal at all! So it is no surprise that she was one of the first artists to step into the Acme studio way back when...

While Cathy added her pun-tastic presence to the Acme world in the early days, she later went on to other artistic endeavours of her own. She became an accomplished textile artist and began the popular Etsy shop YumYum Objects in 2013.

Sadly, Cathy passed away in 2020, but she left behind a legacy of colourful creativity that the world will miss. She might have left her worldly studio, but we will never stop loving her fun style and the memories she left behind.

Thank you for being a part of the Acme Animal world Cathy. We couldn't have made it to 30 years without you!

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